Monday, September 15, 2008

Water Efficiency

Water efficiency can be defined as the accomplishment of a function, task, process, or result with the minimal amount of water feasible. It should be noted that there is a difference between water conservation and water efficiency. Water efficiency differs from water conservation in that it focuses on reducing waste. A proposition is that the key for efficiency is reducing waste, not restricting use. It also emphasizes the influence consumers can have in water efficiency by making small behavioral changes to reduce water wastage and by choosing more water efficient products.

According to Waterwise (, here are some simple ways to be more water efficient at home:

• Turning off the tap while brushing teeth- a running tap can waste over six liters per minute.
• Putting a "hippo" or other displacement device into the toilet cistern.
• Fixing dripping taps - a dripping tap wastes thousands of litres of water a year.
• Using a full load in the dishwasher and washing machine. A person should be sure to buy an Energy Star, water efficient model when thinking of buying a new machine.
• Having a short shower instead of a bath.
• Washing fruits and vegetables in a bowl rather than under a running tap. Using the leftover water to feed houseplants.
• Using a watering can or a hosepipe with a trigger nozzle instead of a sprinkler.
• Using a bucket and sponge when washing the car rather than a running hosepipe.

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